Finished my first proper session of Farscape using the Fate system, we had a bit more discussion at the start of the game to get some more idea of the characters. We spoke for a while about how each character was going to be introduced into the story and what they they were doing at the start of play. The start of the story we decided would be a Shadow Base, which is a secret research base on an asteroid field orbiting a rift in space. It's Farscape crazy things are done like this and it's of course not going to end well for the base, especially when the players get involved.
We really only played for two hours but it was enough to get an understand of the system give me a good starting point to go from. Ever character in this first game had their own starting story which will be heading towards each other in the next game and then the party will be sealed with whatever madness happens on that base.
Below is my story elaboration of what transpired in the game from a GM point of view, hopefully my players will lend me their own story talents and allow me to post them on this blog.
Deep In The Uncharted Territories.
The large transporter comes into range of the shadow base sensors and is quickly spotted. The Nebari Captain Zalach leans over the control panel seeing all the weapon locks and scans being performed to his ship. The comms light starts flashing above his head and before flicking the switch he turns to another Nebari who quickly starts tapping away on another console. As the Captain smiles at his great plan to infiltrate the secret base and also for the show he's about to perform. On screen a Nebari female is looking a little nervous as she asks for his I.D and intentions.
The Captain stuck lucky and quickly capitalized with his charm, explaining that there was a fuelant leak which had call for a special clean up crew to be called in. While his crew member was hacking into their systems and implanting his own virus with the information to make this whole plan work. The Comm's girl was quite flustered being charmed but also not excepting this arrival, but after quickly checking her logs it did seem there had been call for them from this base. Seeing that he was winner her over Captain Zalach laid it on thick and panicked her enough to take it seriously and call the security.
The transport was met by a group of Nebari security, one particular hard nosed charactered called Officer Nezt started interrogating the Captain has he came off the ship and started ordering his men around. The Captain had dealt with his type, some Nebari would always base there judgement on facts not emotion so he repeated what he told the Comm's girl but with more authority. As predicted Nezt ordered one of the guards to check out the story. Relying on the hackers programme to do it's work gave them the reading they wanted and the guard reported this back. Officer Nezt had nothing to go on at this point so left them with the other guards to escort them to Level 7 Sector 9.
Deep Within The Shadow Base.
Mim the doppleganger experiment as he was mainly called by the Scientist, Techies and Security was sat on his bed staring at the blank wall remembering that days experiences in the Sceny room. His door opened up as it would most nights and enters Dr Di-Janti the Head scientist of the research facility. Over the many cycles of growing up in the two rooms she had been his constant. The doctor had grown fond of her research project and was getting increasingly worried about the things on the base she didn't know about. It was at this time she decided was the time for Mim to escape his prison and explore the galaxy, the fuelant leak was too good of an opportunity to pass up on. She handed him a devices and quickly explained that he needed it if he wanted to explore, it would help when the time was right. With that Mim was left in his room alone staring at the wall with a small box with lights and a couple of buttoms.
Deep In A Parole Universe.
MK 2/116 and MK 2/115 felt and saw their orders from their masters and stepped out of their pods into the massive cave that was within the Collectors Ship. As they made it up onto the surface of the ship which with the size and rock type mineral as a hull resembled the surface of an asteroid or small moon. As the Spacer species was genetically created to survive within the vacuum of space their exo-armour seals itself and a kind of plant life within it's organs creates the oxygen it needs, they are the perfect species to repair ships and are very technically minded.
As both the Spacers used their jet boosters to get to work on clearing the asteroids from the ships path so that it can have a clear path to the space rift that it's come to study. MK 2/116 notices that MK 2/115 is not following the perfect pattern of explosives to maximise the clearance rate. MK 2/116 finishes planting his explosives and tries to direct the other Spacer with this thoughts. Not all Spacers develop psychic abilities but as these two Spacers have not left each others side since their start of creation in the pods a mental link has developed between them. MK 2/116 knew that MK 2/115 was receiving his mental image of what he should be doing but MK 2/115 ignored him and continued to plant his explosives on the wrong asteroids. MK 2/116 realised what he was up to and knew this model had the defective gene of rebellion but had hoped this time would not come. Quickly MK 2/115 used his own trigger to ram MK 2/115's so that he couldn't detonate the bombs. As he finished and MK 2/116 in thoughts asked across the void of space what he was doing, MK 2/115 sent him the thought back of freedom. This was lost on MK 2/116 as he didn't gain any feeling from the thought but then MK 2/116 pressed his trigger and nothing happened.
What happens next is hard to put in words as MK 2/115 sent MK 2/116 the most powerful thought and feeling, his acceptance of death for something he believed in and something actually stuck in MK 2/116 from that moment. And as MK 2/115 pulled out his blow pressing it to one of the bombs MK 2/116 had no time to act before the force of the catalyse of explosions start bathed him in asteroid. After the amazing zero grav acrobats and use of the jet booster the Spacer that will be known as Zero comes out of it's range just before the fuel runs. Left a drift in space and floating quite rapidly towards the space anomaly Zero has the idea of using an explosive far enough in front of him to give the necessary force backwards. As he launches the last of his explosives in front of him while starting a count down, before he can press the button it disappears into the anomaly. The fear of what is about to happen doesn't have time register before Zero enters a rift in space. The experience is poorly described as a split seconded were every part of your being is pulled apart and it frelling hurts.
Again poor Zero hadn't time to fully comprehend the complete new start system he was in as the bomb he had thrown through was detonating. The force of this explosion caused him minimal pain but did send him towards a large asteroid. Coming in quite fast Zero squeezed whatever was left in the jet booster to slow his decent and land with a thud. Laying there on the asteroid he now had a moment to take in a completely different galaxy of stars and for the first time feeling all on his own with no masters to give orders. But if he had no orders then he would explore and hopefully find some way off this asteroid.
Part 2 coming soon...
I'm tired now will post this in the morning and will finish off the Epilogue write up probably Monday as there is more that happened in the session. But for now I enjoyed the first session and we are all eager to play more which is always a good sign. So can't wait to play more Fate games and particularly my love of Farscape will hopefully be full filled once a month from now until we get bored and play something else.